Glastonbury Chilkwell Carnival logo
glastonbury chilkwell carnival
"An illuminated spectacular"

Glastonbury Carnival 16th November 2024


The Somerset Carnivals are widely regarded as the largest illuminated processions in the UK and Europe and they are right in the heart of Somerset. Please do give generously to the collection as we rely on them to keep this carnival tradition alive year after year, aswell as it benefiting many local charities who help us collect the donations.

New Start time Entire procession now starts at 6.45pm

402648812 663286485793707 4497419754849098982 n
402281710 663289732460049 757599770472808312 n
402483178 663289125793443 470404198988091031 n

Fundraise With us

We are looking for local people to collect on our behalf, also organisations needing to raise money or awareness can do this at Glastonbury Carnival

Dedicated volunteers wanted.

Earn a donation and get involved at the carnival.


All donations will go towards making Glastonbury Carnival 2024 a spectacular show!

volunteer With us