Glastonbury Chilkwell Carnival logo
glastonbury chilkwell carnival
"An illuminated spectacular"

Glastonbury Carnival 15th November 2025

If you have just visited our carnival and had an amazing time, watching in astonishment and awe.
it's never too late to DONATE.

We rely on your support to help us
cover the costs for 2025.

£30,000 is our target each year
and it appears a little short of £6,000 at the moment.


The Somerset Carnivals are widely regarded as the largest illuminated processions in the UK and Europe and they are right in the heart of Somerset.

We 100% rely on your donations – please do give generously to the collection,  it also benefits local charities who help us collect the donations.

Cash, Card or scan the QR codes – Please donate.

Procession sets off at 6.45pm

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Fundraise With us

We are looking for local people to collect on our behalf, also organisations needing to raise money or awareness can do this at Glastonbury Carnival

Dedicated volunteers wanted.

Get involved with your local carnival – join the family. 


All donations will go towards making Glastonbury Carnival 2025 a spectacular show!

volunteer With us